Beef Franks with Basil & Feta



  • 1 (12oz) Klement's Uncured Beef Franks Package
  • 3/4 cup Balsamic Ketchup (see recipe)
  • 6oz Feta Cheese Crumbles
  • 12 Fresh Basil Leaves
  • 6 Brioche Hot Dog Buns
  • 1 cup Low Sugar Ketchup (for Balsamic Ketchup)
  • 1/4 cup Balsamic Glaze (for Balsamic Ketchup)
  • 1/2 tsp Ground Black Pepper (for Balsamic Ketchup)
  • 1/2 tsp Kosher Salt (for Balsamic Ketchup)


  1. Cook beef franks on grill, cast iron skillet or fry pan until it reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees. Set aside.
  2. While cooking your beef franks, place the brioche buns into a 325-degree oven and warm for 2-3 minutes on a pan lined with parchment paper.
  3. Take the warm brioche bun and line each bun with two whole fresh basil leaves.
  4. Place the beef frank on top of the basil leaves inside of the bun.
  5. To prepare each beef frank, sprinkle some of feta cheese crumbles on top of the beef frank.
  6. Drizzle or spoon on top of each frank the balsamic ketchup and serve immediately and enjoy.
  7. For Balsamic Ketchup: Place all balsamic ketchup ingredients into a small mixing bowl and mix with spoon or whisk until fully incorporated. Top unto beef frank or desired item. Place in a sealed container and keep refrigerated after use for up to 7 days.

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